Our families

Hear directly from families and community members as they share their stories and experiences in the movement for educational equity

multi-racial | Multilingual

RISE Colorado is one of the only multiracial and multilingual non-profit organizations in Aurora leveraging the power of authentic community organizing to address educational inequity.


Read Diana's Story

Diana’s Journey from Student to Education Advocate in Aurora Public Schools

Diana is an Aurora Public Schools (APS) graduate and now has two children of her own. Her daughter currently attends APS and her son will begin soon.

Like ALL families, she wants the best education possible for her children. However, on average only about 65% of students in Aurora Public Schools graduate from high school. When families have the tools and skills they need to support their children’s education at home, these graduation rates can and will improve.


the power of parents

Research shows that family engagement improves attendance, graduation rates, and overall academic achievement. At RISE, we have created a model that works to create awareness among families about educational inequity and support them as they create solutions to improve schools and academic achievement. RISE focuses on creating strong partnerships between schools and families with the goal of improving academic outcomes for low-income students and students of color.  


Learn how RISE supports families to realize their power in the education system.

Parent Opportunity Gap Workshop

Kareem talks about how the Parent Opportunity Gap presentation impacted him.

Pathways to College

High school student, Steffani Garcia, shares the impact of visiting a college campus.

“You fail when you don’t know”

Alexis talks about how the Parent Opportunity Gap presentation impacted her.