
At RISE Colorado, we work in Aurora, the most diverse city and school district in the state. We believe it is critically important that our team is diverse and reflective of our community. RISE was founded by women of color and is proud to have a board and staff made up primarily of people of color. The makeup of our team exemplifies our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The RISE team is not only ethnically diverse, but also diverse in age, gender, and languages we speak: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Nepali, Burmese, and Karen. We offer programming in community members’ native languages to ensure that families most impacted have the opportunity to lead the movement for educational equity.

RISE is led by Co-Founder & LEO Veronica Crespin-Palmer, along with Jocelyn Stephens, Lead Strategy Officer, Traci Lacheta, Lead Operating Officer, Aydé Avila, Lead Family & Community Engagement Officer, and Mary Duran, Lead Education Officer. The RISE Executive Leadership Team is composed of five women, including four women of color, and manages day-to-day operations; however, RISE is truly community-led. The RISE Team, Family Leaders, and Student Leaders are included in organizational decision-making processes, including short-term goals, long-term visioning, and hiring.

Veronica crespin-Palmer CO-FOUNDER & CEO  “I RISE because families are the sleeping giant. Once they are awakened to the inequities that exist there is nothing they won’t do to ensure their children receive the excellent education they deserve.”

Veronica crespin-Palmer


“I RISE because families are the sleeping giant. Once they are awakened to the inequities that exist there is nothing they won’t do to ensure their children receive the excellent education they deserve.”

Jocelyn J. StephensCHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER“I RISE because all students and families do not have access to an excellent education, yet. I RISE to CHAMPION students, PREPARE educators and EMPOWER families to cultivate stronger communities, excellent sc…

Jocelyn J. Stephens


“I RISE because all students and families do not have access to an excellent education, yet. I RISE to CHAMPION students, PREPARE educators and EMPOWER families to cultivate stronger communities, excellent schools and brilliant futures.”

Traci LachetaCHIEF OPERATING OFFICER"I RISE because every individual child deserves the education that prepares them for success in life. Educating, Engaging and Empowering families to work alongside educators is the best way to transform the public school system."

Traci Lacheta


"I RISE because every individual child deserves the education that prepares them for success in life. Educating, Engaging and Empowering families to work alongside educators is the best way to transform the public school system."

Aydé AvilaCHIEF OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT“ I RISE because education is a human right and every child in the world should have access to it.”

Aydé Avila


“ I RISE because education is a human right and every child in the world should have access to it.”

MARY DURANDIRECTOR OF EDUCATE“I RISE because all students do not have access to equitable and quality learning opportunities in their neighborhood schools. I RISE to stand with and for families, students, and educators as they disrupt the inequity that is systemic in our school systems. All students, regardless of their zip code, socio-economic status, race, or ethnicity deserves a quality education! Education opens up opportunities and allows students to make choices that create a successful future.



“I RISE because all students do not have access to equitable and quality learning opportunities in their neighborhood schools. I RISE to stand with and for families, students, and educators as they disrupt the inequity that is systemic in our school systems. All students, *regardless of their zip code, socio-economic status, race, or ethnicity deserves a quality education! Education opens up opportunities and allows students to make choices that create a successful future.”

ang sherpa


“I RISE because I believe every student deserves access to quality education regardless of their background. I understand that my successes are a direct reflection of the sacrifices and support of those who came before me. The more empowered families and students feel, the more they can advocate for themselves and improve the education system for all.”

chhali dahalCOMMUNITY NAVIGATOR“I RISE because to assist and support our multicultural communities for achieving better education and make them raise their voices for themselves.”

chhali dahal


“I RISE because to assist and support our multicultural communities for achieving better *education and make them raise their voices for themselves.”



“I RISE to positively change the environment around me by leading through example. It is important to personify *that which you believe to be true for an effective educator.”

Elizabeth Casillas


“I RISE to Educate Engage and Empower Communities. Be able to hear the community's input from different *walks of life, and prioritize ideas, in order to begin to implement change in our children's education, and school systems. Start to mold a brighter future for our communities and our school system by working together with students, parents, and our schools.”

Gissele Bueno


“I RISE because as a first-generation student and the daughter of immigrants I believe everyone should have *access to all and any resources needed for a better education. I RISE so that families and students can feel empowered to stand up against systemic inequalities.”

htay mehCOMMUNITY NAVIGATOR“I RISE because my family was immigrant to USA for have better education which is education is the most important thing in our lives so we will become more successful person and have better future. I believe all youth or students have an equal right to learning.”

htay meh


“I RISE because my family was immigrant to USA for have better education which is education is the most *important thing in our lives so we will become more successful person and have better future. I believe all youth or students have an equal right to learning.”

jennifer romeroCOMMUNITY NAVIGATOR“I RISE because education is the key to liberating communities most affected by systemic inequalities.”
JOY JAEGER COMMUNITY ORGANIZER“I RISE because Black Lives Matter and Matter is the Minimum. Black family leaders are worthy, beloved and necessary to achieve educational equity. I RISE because it is my honor to assist family leaders as they work for change. When they RISE, we all RISE!

jennifer romero


I RISE because education is the key to liberating communities most affected by systemic inequalities.”



“I RISE because Black Lives Matter and Matter is the Minimum. Black family leaders are worthy, beloved and *necessary to achieve educational equity. I RISE because it is my honor to assist family leaders as they work for change. When they RISE, we all RISE!

Maria Mu


“I RISE because with a quality education, every child, no matter their background, could turn their dreams into a *reality.”

Martha Diaz


“I RISE because as an immigrant, I want to be able to stand next to another immigrant family and show them *what we can do if we unite  as a together.  I want to see their children RISE higher and higher in the school system, and not see anyone left behind.  Education is the key for immigrant families to be something in this country.  I believe all children deserve a good education, regardless of their socioeconomic status, their language or ethnicity.  I believe WE should all be EQUALS.“

Matrika Koirala


I RISE because I personally belongs from refugee immigration status, I have the experience of *importance of education in my life. Without education nothing can be achieved in life . So I would like to educate my vulnerable community to uplift their children’s education for better tomorrow.”

Michelle RoxburyOPERATIONS MANAGER“I RISE because I believe that education is the most important thing in our lives. I believe that every child should have access to a great education. It shouldn’t matter who they are and where they live, education should be equal to every kid and I want to fight for that!”

Michelle Roxbury


“I RISE because I believe that education is the most important thing in our lives. I believe that every child should have *access to a great education. It shouldn’t matter who they are and where they live, education should be equal to every kid and I want to fight for that!”

Mu Yo


“I RISE to give others the opportunities that education has given me. From refugee kid to university graduate, I am *indebted and grateful to share my good Fortune. Education is the most powerful weapon for personal and global change. I RISE to the challenges of inequity and empowerment because it is my experience and my being.”

thablay htoo


“I RISE because I believe that education will empower our next generation to a brighter future. I RISE because no matter what your culture background or color, everyone should have fair treatment to education. ”

Mulue Kee Karr COMMUNITY ORGANIZER“I RISE because I believe that all students should have an equal education opportunity regardless of their color or background. I believe education is one of the ingredients that will help them to become successful in their career.”

Mulue Kee Karr


“I RISE because I believe that all students should have an equal education opportunity regardless of their color or *background. I believe education is one of the ingredients that will help them to become successful in their career.”

Raquel Amador Community Navigator "I RISE for equality in education, because every student should get quality education and services to succeed in life, not depending on their social, demographic or economic status. Education is the root of success."



“I RISE for equality in education, because every student should get quality education and services to succeed in *life, not depending on their social, demographic or economic status. Education is the root of success.”

sanja raiCOMMUNITY NAVIGATOR“I Rise to educate, engage and empower our communities. She believes every child should have the right to get an education. Because education has the power to improve everyone's lives and raise entire communities by stren…

sanju chamling


“I RISE to educate, engage and empower our communities. She believes every child should have the right to *get an education. Because education has the power to improve everyone's lives and raise entire communities by strengthening the overall economy.”



“I RISE because I believe education is the key to bringing equality and justice!!”

Viridiana Rosas


“I RISE for families in my community, helping them thrive on the system, so they can provide their children *the best available opportunities for their education.”