The Homework Campaign

The first win that our families celebrated was the preschool homework campaign.


The concern for some of the parents was that students didn't have enough homework. Depending on the school or classroom, some did, some didn't. There was no consistency.

So the parents organized and came to an agreement that this was a need. They met with the director of preschool from the school district. Together, they discussed the need for a homework policy that they could implement so that all preschools in the district would provide the same level of support that students needed.


Parents spoke up and said, “how are we going to support our children, get them ready and prepared for kindergarten when they don't have enough support or consistent support in their classroom?”

So, parents and staff from the preschool drafted language and they made policy changes in the handbook of the entire school district.


And that's how the district-wide preschool homework policy came to be!
